Category News

B4C & CASCADE CPD Training

Biochar and the Circular Carbon Economy – a CPD In April 2025, the B4C/CASCADE Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Training will bring together educators, industry experts, and practitioners in Göttingen, Germany, to explore biochar’s role in sustainability and the circular carbon…

Scaling Up Biochar

Scaling Up Biochar Rennes Launches Innovative Turf Experiment In partnership with Rennes Ville & Métropole, Unilasalle Rennes has launched an experiment to apply biochar to a sports field. Although the characteristics of biochar are now well known (porosity, adsorption, stability,…

From Inspiration to Action

From Inspiration to Action How Networking Sparks Biochar Innovation The power of collaboration is a driving force in the biochar sector, where shared ideas and partnerships shape the future of sustainable carbon management. The CASCADE project, following in the footsteps…

Biochar for the Rain Tree

Biochar for the Rain Tree in the dynamics of urban greening In partnership with Rennes Ville & Métropole, Unilasalle Rennes has launched an experiment involving the application of biochar in a street planting and integrated stormwater management scheme. The demonstrator…

CASCADE joins LUGA 2025

CASCADE joins LUGA 2025 biochar for a sustainable future Luxembourg will host LUGA – Luxembourg Urban Garden from 7 May to 18 October 2025. This open-air exhibition combines nature, sustainability and innovation. It will take place in five locations in…

CDEC spotlights biochar innovations

CDEC spotlights biochar innovations CDEC is a partner in the CASCADE project, where they are making significant progress in exploring the potential of biochar for sustainable industrial processes. In their latest LinkedIn post, CDEC confidently shares insights into their work…

CASCADE in Dublin

CASCADE in Dublin Strategic planning for the future Following the NWE Annual Event in Dublin, the CASCADE project partners met on 7 November 2024 for a transnational meeting hosted by the Irish Bioenergy Association (IrBEA). The meeting provided an important…

CASCADE at the NWE Annual Event

CASCADE at the NWE Annual Event … sharing progress and exploring opportunities On 5-6 November 2024, the CASCADE project participated in the ‘Ready, Get Set, Cooperate!’ event at Croke Park in Dublin, Ireland. Organised by Interreg North-West Europe (NWE), the…

Get to know: Carbon Capture Cymru

Get to know: Carbon Capture Cymru We are delighted to share the news of the up-coming launch of Carbon Capture Cymru, a new organisation led by our long-time Welsh colleague Colin Keyse, who has been an invaluable partner in biochar…

Technik zum Anfassen

Technik zum Anfassen Hands-on innovation with biochar in Witzenhausen On the 29th of September, the CASCADE project was proud to take part in the ‘Technik zum Anfassen’ (Technology to Touch) event in Witzenhausen, an interactive day where innovation met hands-on…